by ACSC | Oct 17, 2021 | News Round-Up
Utility Dive: These 7 efficiency policies could help Texas avoid $8B in new gas plants, ACEEE says Oct. 14 — A set of seven residential energy efficiency and demand response programs deployed “aggressively” to Texas electric customers over five years...
by ACSC | Sep 29, 2021 | News Round-Up
Texas Tribune: Texas senators blast regulator for power grid winterization loophole lawmakers wrote into law Sept. 28 — The law says the state’s natural gas system won’t be required to prepare for extreme weather until 2022 at the earliest and allows...
by ACSC | Sep 22, 2021 | News Round-Up
Abilene Reporter-News: Many changes proposed in electric grid in Texas Sept. 18 — The Texas Legislature began holding hearings calling in leaders of the three regulatory agencies to testify. Laws were passed, and the regulatory agencies are proposing new...
by ACSC | Sep 16, 2021 | News Round-Up
Houston company hopes to store renewable energy in salt domes Sept. 15 — It’s compressed air that, when released, will turn a turbine to generate electricity in a pinch. It’s being called a mechanical battery, and if the company can wrap up Series A...
by ACSC | Sep 8, 2021 | News Round-Up
San Antonio Express-News: Power-hungry Texas looks at ways to cut demand for electricity Sept. 7 — The winter storm-related power outages and summer warnings to conserve power have had Texas lawmakers and officials talking about how to improve the state’s...