by ACSC | May 22, 2022 | News Round-Up
Houston Chronicle: West Texas rancher pours $2 million into Sarah Stogner’s underdog campaign for statewide oil and gas board seat May 17 — Ashley Watt, who owns a 75,000-acre ranch in the Permian Basin, is helping bankroll a substantial TV ad buy in the final two...
by ACSC | May 10, 2022 | News Round-Up
CBS Austin: Ongoing heat expected to test power grid again May 9 — After power demand nearly met supply Friday and threatened power outages, the ongoing heat wave is expected to test the Texas power grid again this week. — CBS Austin S&P Global: ERCOT peakload...
by ACSC | May 6, 2022 | Blog, Media Focus
So far, no evidence has surfaced that any pipeline company inappropriately withheld gas supplies to increase profits. However, Texas pipeline companies routinely keep excess gas in storage and on pipelines to sell when prices are at a premium — which they are...
by ACSC | Apr 19, 2022 | News Round-Up
WFAA: Why Atmos says they’re getting more natural gas odor calls in North Texas this week April 15 — Atmos officials said they believe an uptick in odor reports Thursday night was due to too much mercaptan in the natural gas supply. — View the Report ...
by ACSC | Apr 8, 2022 | News Round-Up
CW39 — Texas PUC adopts new ‘Middle Mile Broadband’ rule to help bring internet access to unserved areas April 3 — This week, the Public Utility Commission (PUC) voted unanimously to pass the Middle Mile Broadband rule, aiming to increase internet access in unserved...