by ACSC | Apr 2, 2020 | Blog, Regulatory Action
Atmos Energy filed a new RRM request to increase annual rates by $16.8 million system-wide in its West Texas service territory, and about $7.1 million of that request would be applicable to ACSC member cities. ________________________________________________ Early in...
by ACSC | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Municipal Resources
Eleven tips to help you control your energy use during otherwise chaotic times. ________________________________________________ As a service to readers, we’ve assembled here our top 11 tips to save energy for the pandemic homebound. Many of these ideas may strike you...
by ACSC | Mar 27, 2020 | Blog, Municipal Resources
The Texas Municipal League and numerous government agencies answers pandemic-related questions online. ________________________________________________ Wondering what the COVID-19 federal stimulus legislation means for your municipal government? Curious about what...
by ACSC | Mar 26, 2020 | Blog, Regulatory Action
Under the emergency order, distressed residential consumers can avoid non-payment disconnections by agreeing to have their bills deferred during the COVID-19 crisis. ________________________________________________ Financially distressed Texans who otherwise face...
by ACSC | Mar 20, 2020 | Blog, Regulatory Action, Safety
Essential staff at the nation’s power plants may find themselves living on site as the COVID-19 crisis worsens, and some plants already have begun stockpiling beds, blankets and food. ________________________________________________ No utility shut-offs during...
by ACSC | Dec 31, 2019 | Blog
Regulators ordered the utility to cut its proposed hike by more than half. R.A. Dyer Back in October, we reviewed a series of Atmos Energy rate increases associated with something called the “Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program,” or “GRIP.” Under the program, gas...