by ACSC | May 25, 2022 | Blog, Media Focus
According to government data, U.S. production fell sharply during the pandemic, and only now has begun to slowly return. ________________________________________________ Natural gas prices in the U.S. more than doubled since the start of 2021, and they could increase...
by ACSC | May 6, 2022 | Blog, Media Focus
So far, no evidence has surfaced that any pipeline company inappropriately withheld gas supplies to increase profits. However, Texas pipeline companies routinely keep excess gas in storage and on pipelines to sell when prices are at a premium — which they are...
by ACSC | May 5, 2022 | Blog, Utility News
Atmos projects capital expenditures ranging from $2.4 billion to $2.5 billion during the 2022 fiscal year. ________________________________________________ Atmos Energy has reported consolidated net income of $574.2 million for the most recent six-month period and...
by ACSC | Apr 18, 2022 | Blog, Gas Consumers, Regulatory Action, Safety
The Rate Review Mechanism is a set of rules negotiated with the Atmos Cities Steering Committee. ________________________________________________ On April 1, Atmos Energy filed Rate Review Mechanism paperwork to increase monthly residential rates in its Mid-Tex and...
by ACSC | Apr 15, 2022 | Blog, Gas Consumers, Regulatory Action, Safety
As a result of the April 12 action, gas suppliers will have to follow new rules during those emergency situations when they lack sufficient supply to serve all customers. ________________________________________________ In response to massive gas supply failures...
by ACSC | Feb 16, 2022 | Blog, Reports
What’s in a gas bill? The Atmos Cities Steering Committee has created a new fact sheet that explains gas billing components, as well as the six basic steps of the gas utility ratemaking process. You can find that report on the ACSC Reports page, at this link....