by ACSC | Aug 31, 2020 | Blog, Gas Consumers, Regulatory Action
August TGS Rate Case Settlement leads to Avoided-Cost Savings. We recently analyzed a series of Texas gas utility rate cases, comparing the companies’ requested hikes with final approved rates. We also have analyzed utility rate requests in which cities intervened for...
by ACSC | Aug 25, 2020 | Blog, Gas Consumers
Three utilities collect more than $100 million in annual GRIP charges since 2019. The Gas Reliability Infrastructure Program, or GRIP, allows monopoly gas utilities to increase rates even if the company’s overall expenditures are declining, even if its revenues...
by ACSC | Jun 11, 2020 | Blog, Regulatory Action, Utility News
A smaller price tag in an asset sale is the latest bump in a tumultuous stretch for Houston’s CenterPoint Energy. ________________________________________________ Buffeted by a recent drop in stock prices, the departure of top brass and a bumpy sale of...
by ACSC | May 20, 2020 | Blog, Reports
Citizens save when cities defend their interests in gas utility cases. Under state law, cities possess “original jurisdiction” over the rates charged by monopoly gas utilities. This means that gas companies must first go to cities for authorization before...
by ACSC | Apr 1, 2020 | Blog, Municipal Resources
Eleven tips to help you control your energy use during otherwise chaotic times. ________________________________________________ As a service to readers, we’ve assembled here our top 11 tips to save energy for the pandemic homebound. Many of these ideas may strike you...